Thursday, January 26, 2012

Crisi Ue: Angela Merkel, la mia visione è l’unione politica

Angela Merkel per Ecumene24Roma 25/01 - "La mia visione" per l'Europa è "l'Unione politica", "passo dopo passo dobbiamo avvicinarci in ogni settore politico", perché' "ci accorgiamo sempre più che ogni tema affrontato ai nostri confini interessa anche noi e viceversa. L'Europa è politica interna".

Lo ha dichiarato Angela Merkel, cancelliere tedesco, in un'intervista concessa al quotidiano La Stampa e ad altre cinque testate giornalistiche europee nell'ambito dello speciale "Europa". Merkel ha avvertito che "non abbiamo ancora superato la crisi", sulla quale pesano sia le difficoltà generali come "l'estremo indebitamento di alcuni Paesi", che spesso si accompagna a "un'alta disoccupazione e a problemi strutturali", sia ai casi speciali, come la Grecia, "dove ne' i greci stessi e neppure la Comunità internazionale sono riusciti ancora a stabilizzare la situazione".

L'Europa deve quindi "tranquillizzare" i mercati e riconquistarne la fiducia, ha osservato il cancelliere spiegando che il Vecchio Continente ha bisogno di "più crescita e più occupazione", che possono essere raggiunte anche attraverso "i fondi europei, nei quali c'è ancora denaro non utilizzato". Tuttavia, Merkel ha ribadito che "nella crisi attuale gli Eurobond non sono una soluzione", precisando che "si potrà riflettere su una maggiore responsabilità in comune solo quando l'Europa avrà raggiunto un'integrazione molto più profonda".

Il cancelliere tedesco ha poi lanciato segnali di ottimismo, affermando che "l'Europa uscirà dalla crisi molto, molto più forte di prima", a patto tuttavia che si tragga insegnamento "da tutti gli errori e da tutte le omissioni" del passato. "Troppo spesso non abbiamo rispettato le regole che ci eravamo dati noi stessi, come il Patto di stabilità", ha infatti ricordato Merkel.

Infine, il cancelliere ha ricordato che Berlino è "solidale", ma non può nemmeno dimenticare "la responsabilità" che ogni Paese ha nei confronti dell'altro. "Non ha senso promettere sempre più soldi, senza combattere contro le cause della crisi", ha notato Merkel spiegando che quindi la Germania darà il suo aiuto, ma "sulla base dei trattati dell'Unione europea, che dicono con grande chiarezza che nessun Paese può farsi carico dei debiti dell'altro".

E24 & Newswires

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

USA vs Iran - Sanctions dodge: India to pay gold for Iran oil, China may follow

India has reportedly agreed to pay Tehran in gold for the oil it buys, in a move aimed at protecting Delhi from US-sanctions targeting countries who trade with Iran. China, another buyer of Iranian oil, may follow Delhi’s lead.

The report, by the Israeli-based news website DEBKAfile, states that Iran and India are negotiating backup alternatives with China and Russia, should the US and EU find a way to block the gold payment mechanism.

Delhi’s move is seen as surprising, as earlier India and Iran said they would switch to yen and rupees. China, another major importer of Iranian oil, may follow Delhi’s lead, the report adds.

India and China need to switch from the dollar in bilateral trade, since the US and EU have issued unilateral sanctions against the Iranian oil industry and financial institutions. The sanctions would ban any bank involved in oil trade with Iran from dealing with American and European counterparts.

Both India and China, two major buyers of Iranian oil accounting for 22 and 13 percent of its total export respectively, have refused to join such sanctions. This means they have to establish a reliable way of paying for crude, independently of the parts of the global financial system controlled by New York and London.

Delhi’s current plan is to effect payments through two state-owned banks, India’s UCO Bank and Turkey’s Halk Bankasi, Turkey being another country refusing to join the sanction spree.

The US issued sanctions against Iran in December, aiming to put pressure on the Islamic Republic and make its controversial nuclear program more transparent. The EU joined the initiative on Monday, banning new oil contracts with Iran, but allowing current ones to be fulfilled.

Australia on Tuesday became the latest country to voice plans for such an embargo, although the move would be more symbolic than practical, considering the country’s small share in Iran’s oil export.

Japan and South Korea, two other major buyers of Iranian crude, are in talks with Washington over the issue, although both Seoul and Tokyo are worried that stopping their imports could hurt their economies.

Iran, which is highly dependent on its sales of oil, is reacting to the sanction campaign nervously. Tehran says it will not yield to pressure, and threatens to block the Strait of Hormuz, a key oil tanker route in the Persian Gulf.

A presto


Via | flipsideoftheeconomy

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SAVE THE INTERNET– About PIPA, the Protect-IP Act - Learn about these destructive bills.


Thanks to action by a broad and bipartisan coalition of Internet users, companies, and organizations, the U.S. House of Representatives has now put the brakes on SOPA, a well-intentioned but deeply flawed bill that would use Internet censorship to combat overseas copyright infringement. Even President Obama's White House has joined the opposition.

But nevertheless, the Senate is continuing to move forward — and fast — with its equally dangerous version of the bill, called PIPA, the Protect-IP Act. As written, PIPA would import censorship and surveillance techniques pioneered by countries like China and Iran, reversing longstanding U.S. policy on Internet freedom, betraying U.S. First Amendment values, damaging our standing around the world, threatening our job-creating innovators, and undermining Internet security for everyone.

Today is a day for action across the Internet. Learn about these destructive bills. Tell your Senator what you think. Congress needs to hear from you.

Read More: EFF, CDT, Future of Music Coalition, Heritage Foundation, Stop American Censorship, ReadWriteWeb

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cuba abre portas ao investimento angolano; acordo entre a Sonangol e a Cupet (empresa petrolífera cubana)

A experiência angolana é um feito histórico que anima e dá confiança aos cubanos para enfrentarem as mudanças em Cuba, afirmou o embaixador cubano, Pedro Ross Leal, em Luanda, para quem Angola é um parceiro privilegiado para investir nos sectores público e privado do seu país.
“Estamos na disposição de continuar a ampliar a cooperação até ao máximo das nossas possibilidades e capacidades, além de partilhar e transferir para os nossos irmãos angolanos o conhecimento acumulado, no domínio da ciência e da técnica, que Cuba possui”, asseverou o diplomata, discursando no acto alusivo ao 53º aniversário do triunfo da Revolução Cubana, assinalado a 1 de Janeiro.
Pedro Ross Leal adiantou que Cuba está a receber investimentos angolanos em importantes sectores da economia. Como exemplo, referiu que foi recentemente rubricado um acordo entre a Sonangol e a Cupet (empresa petrolífera cubana) para a exploração de petróleo em dois blocos da zona económica do Golfo do México, pertencente a Cuba.
O diplomata frisou que o seu país sente a “solidariedade e o apoio generoso e decidido de Angola na arena internacional, principalmente em relação à luta para pôr termo ao bloqueio desumano” imposto a este país das Caraíbas há mais de 50 anos.
“Se num momento difícil de Angola, Cuba correspondeu ao pedido do Governo e do MPLA, hoje, que Cuba enfrenta a agressão e o bloqueio, Angola, o seu Governo e o MPLA, responderam à nossa solicitação”, realçou. Ao intervir na cerimónia, o ministro dos Antigos Combatentes e Veteranos da Pátria, Kundi Paihama, reiterou que a solidariedade de Angola para com Cuba é efectiva em todos os sentidos.
“Aproveito para felicitar os nossos irmãos cubanos por esta data que a nós diz muita coisa, particularmente sobre a ajuda que Cuba deu a Angola para a consolidação e confirmação da nossa independência”, frisou.
“Não temos espírito expansionista, só queremos defender o que é nosso, garantir que a nossa solidariedade é efectiva e que não vamos recuar perante quaisquer ameaças”, acrescentou. Angola tem um legado histórico deixado pelo primeiro Presidente da República, Agostinho Neto, segundo o qual “Angola é e será, por vontade própria, trincheira firme da revolução em África”, salientou Kundi Paihama.

O ministro manifestou-se, igualmente, solidário com a causa dos cinco cidadãos cubanos presos nos Estados Unidos há mais de 13 anos, juntando a sua voz aos apelos que têm sido lançados ao Presidente Barack Obama para a libertação imediata destes combatentes.
Cooperação na defesa
O ministro da Defesa Nacional, Cândido Pereira Van-Dúnem, considerou que a comemoração do 53º aniversário da Revolução Cubana constitui a consolidação da relação existente entre Angola e Cuba.
“A relação que une Angola e Cuba é de longa data, vem desde os primórdios da revolução angolana iniciada com a luta de Libertação Nacional, e é a consolidação da amizade entre os nossos dois partidos (Partido Comunista de Cuba e MPLA) e, acima de tudo, entre os povos de ambos os países “, asseverou.
Questionado sobre a contribuição de Cuba para o programa de modernização das Forças Armadas Angolanas, disse que existe uma cooperação com os cubanos desde há longos anos, que tem sido adequada em função das necessidades que vão surgindo.
“No processo de modernização das Forças Armadas Angolanas temos procurado os apoios que achamos necessários entre os nossos parceiros tradicionais e Cuba enquadra-se nesta lista”, referiu.
O ministro disse que Angola continua a formar quadros no domínio militar e, consequentemente, a receber especialistas cubanos que estão a trabalhar em determinadas esferas.
Exemplo de solidariedade
Numa cerimónia assistida por deputados, membros do corpo diplomático acreditado em Angola, entre outras personalidades, o governador de Luanda sublinhou a solidariedade do povo cubano. “Hoje, Cuba é um país em transformação, evoluindo cada vez mais e, inclusive, continua a ajudar muitos povos com os seus técnicos. Angola continua a beneficiar da cooperação e ajuda desse país”, realçou.

Via | JA

President Obama Calls for Tax Breaks to Return Jobs From Abroad By MARK LANDLER

WASHINGTON — President Obama said on Wednesday that he would propose tax incentives for companies to bring home manufacturing jobs they had moved overseas, and curtail tax breaks for those that keep relocating jobs abroad.

Flanked by executives from the aerospace, chemical and furniture industries — all of whom are building or expanding factories in the United States — Mr. Obama declared that the nation was beginning to see the reversal of a long-term trend toward outsourcing. He called the new trend, perhaps inevitably, “insourcing.”

“We’re at a unique moment, an inflection point, a period where we’ve got the opportunity for those jobs to come back,” Mr. Obama said in the White House, after meeting with the executives. The American economy, he noted, has added manufacturing jobs for two years in a row, after more than a decade of losses.

The president did not offer details of the tax proposals, which presumably would be subject to approval by Congress, though he renewed his call on lawmakers to approve a one-year extension of the payroll tax cut that will expire at the end of February.

Mr. Obama said an increase in labor costs in China was eroding its advantage over the United States as a manufacturing base, a message the White House sought to buttress by circulating a research report from the Boston Consulting Group, a prominent management consulting organization. The president also said recent trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama would open markets for American exports.

Economists said small changes in tax policy would play only a marginal role in deciding where companies build factories. But with labor costs rising overseas, such changes could help reinforce a fledgling trend, they said. “There’s been a little bit of momentum on ‘insourcing’ because a lot of firms overdid it,” said Jared Bernstein, the former chief economic adviser to Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. “So it could help a bit at the margin.”

Mr. Obama cited examples from companies represented in the room: Ford Motor, which the president said had moved 2,000 jobs back to the United States; Master Lock, which relocated manufacturing to Milwaukee from China; and Lincolnton Furniture, a specialty manufacturer, which set up shop in North Carolina after its owner, Bruce Cochran, closed a family-owned furniture company in 1996 and spent time consulting with companies about moving operations to China and Vietnam.

“I don’t want America to be a nation that’s primarily known for financial speculation, and racking up debt and buying stuff from other nations,” the president said. “I want us to be known for making and selling products all over the world stamped with three proud words, ‘Made in America.’ ”

Mr. Obama’s message served as a riposte to the Republican front-runner, Mitt Romney, who repeated his charge Tuesday, in his speech after the New Hampshire primary, that the president was hostile to free enterprise.

One of the executives at the meeting, James M. Guyette of Rolls-Royce North America, said his company was making investments in Indiana, where it builds aircraft engines, and in Virginia, where it opened an advanced manufacturing and research campus last year that will eventually employ 500 people.

In an interview, Mr. Guyette said Rolls-Royce was not actually moving operations back to the United States. But he said it was pouring money into American operations, like a factory in Indianapolis that once had the company’s highest labor costs and lowest productivity. Negotiations with the United Automobile Workers union had cut those costs, he said, and made the factory competitive again. “Everyone could see where this road was going to end, if we didn’t do it differently,” he said.

Via | Nyt

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

African Cup of Nations 2012: The Palancas Negras international friendly game against the Super Eagles of Nigeria.

A 39-man contingent of the 2012 African Cup of Nations-bound Palancas Negras of Angola arrived in the Federal Capital, Abuja on Tuesday ahead of today’s international friendly game against the Super Eagles of Nigeria.

angolan-fan[1]The delegation touched down at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport at 4.33pm aboard a chartered aircraft, which will fly the team back to Luanda on Wednesday evening immediately after the match.

President of the Federacao Angolana de Futebol, Mr. Pedro de Morais Neto led the delegation, which also included vice presidents of the Federation, the Head Coach, four Assistant Coaches, team manager, journalists, psychologist, team doctor, physiotherapist, equipment manager and 22 players. The team trained on Tuesday night at the mainbowl of the National Stadium.

They were received on arrival by General Secretary of the Nigeria Football Federation, Barrister Musa Amadu and the Director of Technical, Dr. Emmanuel Ikpeme, as well as a battery of media representatives.

The Palancas Negras and officials are quartered at the Transcorp Hilton hotel, and will have a light walk-out on Wednesday morning. The match co-ordination meeting will also take place on Wednesday morning, at the NFF Secretariat.

FIFA referee Aguidissou Crespin from Republic of Benin will be at the centre, to be assisted by compatriots Padonou Prosper (1st Assistant) and Fassinou Alexis (2nd Assistant). Nigerian FIFA referee Bunmi Ogunkolade will be the fourth official.

The Nigeria Football Federation reiterated on Tuesday that gates will be thrown open for the match.

Amadu said: “We want Nigerians to come out en masse to the National Stadium, Abuja and bond together, and also support the Super Eagles in this match against Angola.

It is an important game for our team as it prepares for the African Cup of Nations qualifying match against Rwanda next month”.

The Super Eagles will fly out to Monrovia on Friday for another international friendly match, this time against the Lone Star of Liberia, which will take place at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium in Monrovia on Sunday, 15th January.

Coach Jose Carlos Vidigal expects a tough game from the Super Eagles as his wards set into the final stages of preparation for the three-week, 16-nation African Cup of Nations in Gabon and Equatorial Guinea, starting next week.

On his part, Nigeria’s Coach Stephen Keshi will have a good look at the boys he has been drilling at residential camping since last month, with a view to seeing which of them would be good enough to win shirts in the team to face Rwanda in a 2013 African Cup of Nations qualifier in Kigali next month.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Angola Xyami – Best Articles Directory, Free articles for your website, eZine or newsletters!

Angola Xyami – Best Articles Directory


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Republican of Angolan Banks are preparing to handle hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign oil companies operating in the African

Jan. 10 - Angolan banks are preparing to handle hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign oil companies operating in the African country when a law requiring them to use local lenders comes into effect later this year.

Angolan Banking System Ready for Influx of Oil Dollars, CEO Says

Emidio Pinheiro, the chief executive officer of Banco Fomento Angola, the country’s second biggest private bank, expects oil companies to start using local banks to pay part of their taxes and suppliers by the end of June.

“It’s a very significant challenge for the financial system,” Pinheiro said in a phone interview from Luanda. “I believe we will be ready for it.”

In the past, oil companies weren’t required to use banks in Angola, Africa’s biggest producer of crude after Nigeria, as lenders couldn’t handle such transactions, Agencia Angola Press reported on Oct. 26, citing a proposal of the new oil law.

The law, approved by parliament in Luanda on Nov. 29, will be phased in so that Angolan banks can adjust to it, Pinheiro said.

The southern African country, which emerged from a civil war in 2002, is adopting measures to increase transparency in the banking sector, said Pinheiro.

Last year, President Jose Eduardo dos Santos signed into law a bill designed to prevent money laundering and the funding of terrorist activities. The country ranked in the bottom 15 of 183 countries in a Transparency International corruption study last year.

“Such laws will bring more credibility to Angola’s economy and create a more business-friendly environment,” said Pinheiro.

Booming Economy

Angola is attracting more foreign companies as its economy booms. Gross domestic product is is expected to grow 10.8 percent this year, up from an estimated 3.7 percent in 2011, according to the International Monetary Fund.

“There is a lot of interest in Angola from foreign investors, mainly because the country’s energy sector remains robust,” he said. “There is also interest in farming and other industries.”

About 21 banks operate in Angola, including Standard Bank Group Ltd., Africa’s largest lender. Banco Fomento Angola, which is controlled by Banco BPI SA, Portugal’s third-biggest publicly traded lender, accounted for more than 60 percent of BPI’s nine- month net income last year, according to BPI.

--Editors: Hilton Shone, Digby Lidstone | Bloomberg

Monday, January 9, 2012

Best Money Quotes, Latest Financial Sayings about Money, Quotations about Wealth: “I cannot afford to waste my time making money.”


My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income.  ~Errol Flynn
Car sickness is the feeling you get when the monthly payment is due.  ~Author Unknown

Inflation hasn't ruined everything.  A dime can still be used as a screwdriver.  ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

I am opposed to millionaires, but it would be dangerous to offer me the position.  ~Mark Twain

They who are of the opinion that Money will do everything, may very well be suspected to do everything for Money.  ~George Savile, Complete Works, 1912

I cannot afford to waste my time making money.  ~Louis Agassiz

There's no money in poetry, but then there's no poetry in money, either.  ~Robert Graves

When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.  ~John Wesley

It is an unfortunate human failing that a full pocketbook often groans more loudly than an empty stomach.  ~Franklin Delano Roosevelt

After a visit to the beach, it's hard to believe that we live in a material world.  ~Pam Shaw

The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all your money.  ~Author Unknown

Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money.  ~Cree Indian Proverb

The only reason a great many American families don't own an elephant is that they have never been offered an elephant for a dollar down and easy weekly payments.  ~Mad Magazine

I'd like to live as a poor man with lots of money.  ~Pablo Picasso

No matter how hard you hug your money, it never hugs back.  ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

There are no pockets in a shroud.  ~Author Unknown

Waste your money and you're only out of money, but waste your time and you've lost a part of your life.  ~Michael Leboeuf


Every day more and more people are looking to learn how to make money fast. Both in the online and offline worlds people are starting realize that having a “job” and working 40 hours a week for 40 years is not the ideal way to live.
So we have put this site together to outline some alternative ways, that people can go about generating an income, including affiliate marketing, selling ebooks, and even stock market investing. Feel free to explore the ideas on this site, join the discussions under each article or suggest an idea we haven’t thought of yet…

Use the law of supply and demand to your advantage. Most of us are familiar with the law of supply and demand--the more there is of something, the cheaper it is; conversely, the rarer the product or service, the more expensive it is. However, other than when we get to a toy store before sunrise to get on line for the latest fad toy that kids can't get enough of, we don't really apply the law of supply and demand to our own lives--particularly our careers. For example, if you're aspiring to do something that many, many other people want to do (so much so that they do it for free, as a hobby) then it will be far more challenging for you to make money doing it. On the other hand, if you do something that most people don't want to do, or if you get very good at doing something most people don't do all that well, then you can make a whole lot more money. In other words, choose a career in pharmacy over photography.

  • If your career path is going nowhere, resign gracefully and switch careers. Research occupations to find out how much they pay and what their future outlook is (in the U.S., you can find this information in the Bureau of Labor StatisticsOccupational Outlook Handbook). Find an occupation that pays well, and invest in the education and/or training to get you that job. Look for employers that offer competitive salaries and ample opportunity for advancement.
  • If your goal is to make enough money to retire early, prioritize earning potential over job satisfaction, since you plan on getting out of the rat race early, anyway. Consider the types of jobs that pay extraordinarily well in exchange for hard work, little psychological satisfaction, and a punishing lifestyle, such as investment banking, sales, and engineering. If you can keep your expenses low and do this for about 10 years, you can save a nest egg for a modest but youthful retirement, or to supplement your income while you do something you really love doing but doesn't pay much. But keep in mind that delayed gratification requires clear goal-setting and strong willpower.

Recognize that time is money. This critical piece of advice is attributed to Benjamin Franklin, who was an accomplished American inventor, journalist, printer, diplomat, and statesman--the ultimate multitasker. Your ability to manage your time (and stop procrastinating) is a critical ingredient in your ability to make money. Whether you have a job or are self-employed, keep track of what you're spending your time on. Ask yourself "Which of these activities make the most money, and which of them are a waste of time?" Do more of the former and less of the latter, simple as that. When you're focusing on high-priority tasks, get the job done well, and get the job done fast. By working efficiently, you're giving your employer or clients more time, and they'll appreciate you for it. Remember that time is a limited resource that you're always investing. Will your investments pay off?

Jack up your prices. If you're providing a skill, service or product that is in high demand and low supply, and you're making the most of your time, you should be making good money. Unfortunately, there are many people who are too humble or fearful to demand that they get paid accordingly. It's the pushovers in life who get taken advantage of and exploited, so if you think you might be one of them, learn how to stop being a people pleaser. If you work for someone else, ask for a pay raise or get a promotion, and if none of that pans out, revisit your career options as described previously. If you're self-employed, the first thing to do is to make sure your customers and clients pay up on time--this alone can substantially improve your income. Check your prices and rates against those of your competitors--are you undercutting them? Why? If you're providing a superior product or service, you should be getting at least the average, unless your profitability depends on mass production, in which case you're probably making a lot of money and wouldn't be reading this article anyway!


Be proactive. Remember Murphy's Law: "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong." Make plans, complete with as many calculations as possible, then anticipate everything that can go wrong. Then make contingency or backup plans for each scenario. Don't leave anything to luck. If you're writing a business plan, for example, do your best to estimate when you'll break even, then multiply that time frame by three to get a more realistic date; and after you've identified all the costs, add 20% to that for costs that will come up that you didn't anticipate. Your best defense against Murphy's law is to assume the worst, and brace yourself. An appropriate amount of insurance may be something worth considering. Don't forget the advice of Louis Pasteur, a French chemist who made several incredible breakthroughs in the causes and prevention of disease: "Luck favors the prepared mind."

Redefine wealth. In studies of millionaires, people are surprised to learn that most millionaires aren't doctors, lawyers, and corporate leaders with big houses and fancy cars; they're people who religiously live below their means and invest the surplus into assets, rather than liabilities.[1] As you're taking the above steps to make more money, keep in mind that increased income does not necessarily equal increased wealth. Most people who flaunt their wealth actually have a low net worth because their debt to asset ratio is high--in other words, they owe a whole lot more money than they actually have. All of the previous steps have outlined aggressive strategies for making money, but you'll never get anywhere if you have a hole in your pocket.

    • They say that a penny saved is a penny earned. Actually, when you consider that you pay taxes on every penny you earn, you really do make more money by saving than by increasing your income, especially if the extra income will increase your tax rate dramatically. For example, let's say you have a choice between saving $100 or earning an extra $100. If you pay 15% taxes, then when you earn an $100, you only get $85. But when you shave $100 off of your existing budget, you keep it all. To sweeten the deal further, if you take advantage of compound interest as found in most savings accounts, over time you'll start making money on the amount saved plus previous interest paid on that amount saved. It'll be pennies at first, but eventually the amount will multiply exponentially.

    • Take advantage of tax laws if you're self-employed. Money saved on taxes is still money saved. You may be able to deduct many of your business expenses (use of your home, use of your car, office supplies, etc.) if you keep good records. You may also qualify for tax breaks, such as deducting your health insurance premiums on your tax return. These laws are in place to encourage commerce and business growth, so don't neglect their benefits.
    • If you're not self-employed and work for a company, find out if they have a retirement plan. If you're lucky, employers will sometimes match contributions you make into a retirement fund. Retirement plans also often have the benefit of being tax-deferred. The longer you get to keep your money (and make interest on it) the better. It's never too early to start planning for retirement.

Know the difference between an asset and a liability. The dividing line is whether it puts money in your pocket, or takes it out.[2] As much as you love your home, for instance, it is a liability rather than an asset because you put more money into it than you get out of it (unless you're flipping it or renting it out). Whatever money you save, invest it in assets such as stocks, mutual funds, patents, copyrighted works--anything that generates interest or royalties. Eventually, you might get to the point where your assets are doing the work for you, and all you have to do is sit there and make money!

  • Watch out for inflation chipping away at your assets. We've all heard an elderly person describe the purchasing power of a coin in their day. Inflation continues to make today's money worth less in the future. To win the race against time and inflation, learn to invest your money in the right places. A savings account might help you to keep up with inflation; however, to stay ahead of the game you'll want to invest in bonds, stocks, or some other investment that returns above the average rate of inflation (currently 3%-4%).

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