Saipem has won new E&C Offshore contracts worth approximately $950 million in Angola, Kazakhstan and North Sea.
Saipem has secured an EPCI contract in Angola from CABGOC for the Congo River Crossing Pipeline Project, which would be built off the coasts of Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The company will be responsible for the engineering, procurement, fabrication and installation of 3 subsea pipelines, 20 and 22 inches in diameter, having a total length of 68 miles (110 kilometers), in water depths of around 384 feet, and of subsea spools, along with the trenching and crossing works.
The pipelayer Castoro 7 will carry out the marine operations between the fourth quarter of 2012 and the fourth quarter of 2013.
In Angola, Saipem has even entered into an EPCI deal for URF and gas export pipelines. Mainly the deal consists of the engineering, procurement, fabrication, installation and pre-commissioning of in-field and export pipelines of around 62 miles (100 kilometers) in length, along with other associated subsea equipment, in water 230 feet deep. Between the fourth quarter of 2013 and the second quarter of 2015, the offshore operations are to be executed.
With the help of its joint controlled company Ersai Caspian Contractor LLC in consortium with Keppel Kazakhstan LLP, Saipem, has won a contract in Kazakhstan from Teniz Burgylau LLP. This contract includes the fabrication, outfitting and commissioning of a jackup rig. Capacity of the Keppel FELS B Class rig, designed for the Caspian Sea, will be to drill wells up to 20,000 feet and also to operate in water depths of up to 260 feet. Delivery expected during the first quarter of 2015, the final assembly and commissioning will be carried out at the Ersai Kuryk yard.
Saipem has also entered into two contracts for T&I activities which includes the placement of the Saipem 7000 and of the Castoro Sei pipelayer in the UK sector of the North Sea, which is to be done in different timeframes between the second quarter of 2014 and the third quarter of 2015.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Angola/Kazakhstan: E&C Offshore contracts worth approximately $950 million in Angola
Angola/Portugal: Diplomat Lashes At 'Defamation of False Friends' of Angola
Lisbon — Angolan ambassador to Portugal, José Marcos Barrica, Wednesday in Lisbon, Portugal, appealed to the Angolan people not to get deceived by "slander uttered by those who claim to be Angola's friends, but that attempt to divide the Angolans".
Marcos Barrica was speaking to over a thousand people, who on the Wednesday morning watched, via TPA-International, at "Centro Cultural de Belém", in Lisbon, the investiture of the Angolan President, José Eduardo dos Santos.
Addressing the members of the Angolan community residing in various localities Lisbon, OPorto and Algarve, the Ambassador Marcos Barrica asked the Angolans to be "vigilant and prevent the attempts of false friends from dividing Angolans".
He added that the most difficult thing is over," reiterating the purpose of the country focussed on the consolidation of democracy and national reconstruction.
The diplomat emphasized Angola's leadership," referring to the qualities of the President José Eduardo dos Santos.
Promoted by the Angolan Embasssy in Portugal and its consulate-generals in Lisbon, OPorto and Faro, the event was intended to gather the angolan community and friends of angola in the same venue in oredr to watch the inauguration of Angolan President, José Eduardo dos Santos, and vice president, Manuel Vicente.
Monday, September 24, 2012
"Com dinheiro qualquer um fica lindo", diz humorista Hassum sobre filme Até que a Sorte Nos Separe
No próximo mês de outubro, Leandro Hassum - um dos humoristas mais populares da TV Globo - poderá ser visto também nos cinemas. Isso porque ele aceitou viver seu primeiro protagonista nas telonas e encabeça o elenco da nova comédia Até que a Sorte Nos Separe. Na trama, ele interpreta Tino, homem que tem sua rotina transformada ao ganhar na loteria. "Quando comecei na carreira, chegava a recortar meu nome quando me via nos jornais. Hoje não me importo com isso. Não vejo praticamente nada que sai sobre mim. E é mais ou menos isso que acontece no filme. Ele mostra que as pessoas mudam de um dia para o outro", disse Hassum em entrevista coletiva na manhã desta segunda-feira (24) em São Paulo. "E com dinheiro, de um dia para o outro você fica lindo", brincou.
Depois que ganha uma fortuna, o protagonista gasta todo o dinheiro com uma vida de ostentação ao lado da mulher, Jane (Danielle Winits), e em alguns anos fica falido. É obrigado, então, a aceitar a ajuda do consultor Amauri (Kiko Marcarenhas). "O filme ajudou bastante em minha vida. Sou mesmo um Tino, gosto de gastar. E sou casado com 'uma Amaury'. Me identifico muito com meu personagem (risos)".
Sobre seu primeiro grande trabalho na área, o ator disse que aprovou o resultado e que pretende continuar buscando projetos no cinema. "Adorei. Esse filme vai abrir as portas do cinema para mim. Foi muito cansativo, praticamente não tive folgas, mas foi muito prazeroso. O Roberto foi generoso e conseguiu me deixar à vontade. O elenco também".
A coletiva contou ainda com a presença do diretor Roberto Santucci (mesmo de De Pernas Para o Ar), do roteirista Paulo Cursino, dos produtores Fabiano Gullane e Caio Gullane, e do escritor Gustavo Cerbasi (autor de Casais Inteligentes Enriquecem Juntos, obra em que o longa é baseado). Segundo Santucci, Hassum foi o principal candidato a protagonista por sugestão de Cursino, que já havia trabalhado com ele no seriado Os Caras de Pau. "Escolhemos o Leandro porque o Paulo sabia onde ele brilhava. Sabia onde e como podia trabalhar com ele. O difícil foi conter o riso no set de filmagens. O Leandro é muito engraçado, eu evitava conversar com ele para não perder o foco. Mas o elenco todo está demais, fiquei muito feliz com a escolha", contou.
Paulo confirmou a informação, mas disse que teve dúvidas a respeito da viabilidade do projeto antes de aceitar adaptar a obra. "Quando recebemos o livro, pensei que não dava para fazer. Mas mergulhamos nele para poder pegar a melhor mensagem possível e deu tudo certo. A expectativa para a estreia é muito grande", disse.
Até que a Sorte nos Separe chega aos cinemas brasileiros dia 5 de outubro e será disponibilizado em cerca de 500 cópias.
Fabbrica Italia 2012: Monti alla Fiat: "Niente soldi, non ce li hanno chiesti” comunque non li daremmo
La Fiat resterà in Italia o no? Giusto qualche giorno fa, subito dopo l’annuncio dellacancellazione del presunto piano industriale Fabbrica Italia, era stato lo stesso Marchionnea dire: “Con gli utili fatti in Brasile teniamo aperti gli impianti in Italia“. Una frase che, accoppiata con il taglio degli investimenti nel nostro paese, non lascia ben sperare gli operai Fiat e dell’indotto. Se è questa la situazione e non si fa nulla per cambiarla quanto potrà durare?
Non basta. Alla vigilia dell’incontro fra Monti, Passera e Marchionne l’amministratore delegato di Fiat aveva rincarato la dose ricordando come il business Fiat in Brasile sia fortemente sovvenzionato dal governo brasiliano, cosa che “non può accedere in Italia” per via dei vincoli stabiliti dall’Europa: no aiuti alle aziende, stop.
Quindi cosa si siano detti Monti e Marchionne a quattrocchi non è dato saperlo, ma l’impressione è che non si siano detti sostanzialmente nulla. La conferma arriva della parole del Presidente del Consiglio che, rassicurando nelle intenzioni i contribuenti di fatto spiega che c’è poco da fare e si trincera dietro promesse talmente vaghe da non poter essere nemmeno rinfacciate, un domani.
Il governo si è impegnato non a dare aiuti finanziari ma a creare condizioni di contesto che favoriscano la presenza dell’industria automobilistica in Italia. L’incontro con i vertici della Fiat è stato lungo e dal momento che non veniva alimentato da noi con comunicati e Twitter capisco che chi doveva lavorare abbia fatto lavorare la fantasia, ma non sono stati chiesti aiuti nè Cig in deroga. L’esito dell’incontro è una scommessa che richiede un grande impegno delle parti.
Gli operai Fiat non dormiranno sonni più tranquilli di quelli degli ultimi mesi (o anni, se preferite).
Di Gabriele Capasso | Polisblog
Thursday, September 20, 2012
DOMENICA A ROMA: "AFROLATIN" Aperetif de Luxe | Con lezioni di Salsa, Kizomba, Bachata & Kuduro
::: ::: ::: ::: ::: QUESTA DOMENICA 23/09 | K & S DAY ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
Kizomba Romana Eventi & Tequila Blanco
Una domenica diversa, originale, con il meglio dell’Afrolatin Sound
1) Ambiente giovanile, divertente e molto cool
2) Aperitivo (cibi tipici su prenotazione)
3) Possibilità di vedere le partite di calcio
4) Lezioni gratis di Kizomba & Salsa
5) Animazione afrolatina
6) Sfide di Kizomba & Semba | Sfida di Salsa, Bachata e Reggaeton
7) Aperetif in Rome, Futbol, Afrolatin dance and free lesson | Il meglio del meglio!
Quali giorni?
Domenica 23 Settembre | Domenica 07 Ottobre | Domenica 04 Novembre (…)
Dalle 17:30 alle 02:30
7Cl | Via degli Aurunci 35 | Piazza dell’Immacolata | San Lorenzo
L’evento su facebook?
Click | OK
Info: ♦389.4882.980 ♦ 338.4994.766 ♦ 320.5320.188♣
Maggiori informazioni
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Tutto el Sabor de Cuba al castello della Castelluccia – 04 ottobre 2012
"Tutto el Sabor de Cuba per la prima volta in una location esclusiva.."
presso Castello della Castelluccia - Via Carlo Cavina, 40
Il Castello della Castelluccia sarà il suggestivo e originale scenario di una serata dedicata al ballo, alla musica popolare e alla cultura cubana.
Per la prima volta, in un giorno importante nel calendario della Regla de Ocha, il Castello aprirà le sue porte al gruppo esplosivo "Sabor Havana", che dopo aver toccato il cuore delle principali capitali Europee, approderà nella capitale e si esibirà dal vivo con un ricco repertorio musicale che spazierà dai brani più tradizionali ai ritmi contemporanei della salsa e della timba.
Il gruppo diretto dall'uragano Raudelis La Rosa Menendez, sarà accompagnato dalle coinvolgenti perfomance della scuola di folklore e balli popolari cubani Clave de Son, diretta dai maestri e direttori artistici Irma Castillo e Ulises Mora, saranno i protagonisti di una serata unica nel suo genere..dall’atmosfera caraibica!
Dalle ore 20,00 gran buffet di specialità cubane, musica, premi, ospiti e tante divertimento vi aspettano!!
Il menù della Serata
Ensalada fria de pasta corta
Chicharrones (Stuzzichini di maiale)
Arroz Congris e Arroz Blanco (Riso con fagioli neri e Riso Bianco)
Ravioli di Borragine con pomodoro e basilico
Picadillo a la Habanera (carne di manzo tritata a la habanera)
Ropa Vieja (Stracotto di Manzo con salsa al pomodoro)
Arrosto di maiale con Fufù
Camarones enchilados (Gamberetti in salsa)
Ensalada de avocado
Tostones (platani fritti)
Turron de manì (dolce tipico con noccioline)
Buffet della Frutta
Bevande no limits…mojito…
Per prenotazione (obbligatoria, entro il 30 settembre)
L’evento su facebook: - 06.30207103 - 06.30207041
Info: |
Monday, September 17, 2012
MOBILE TECNOLOGY 2012: Iphone 5 da record, 2mln ordini in 24 ore
(ANSA) - NEW YORK, 17 SET - Più di due milioni di ordini in 24 ore. Per il nuovo iPhone 5 della Apple, in uscita il 21 settembre negli Stati Uniti e in altri otto Paesi - è già un grande successo. Lo rende noto la Casa di Cupertino, sottolineando come gli ordini on line, partiti da venerdì sera, sono raddoppiati rispetto a quando era in uscita il precedente iPhone 4S. "Una risposta fenomenale" esultano dalla Apple, "la richiesta oltrepassa l'offerta iniziale".
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Best News About Republic of Angola Post-Election 2012 - What Next?
Angolan democracy turned another page when the nation went to the polls on 31 August. The ruling party MPLA won with 72% of the vote - 10% less than in 2008 but still a huge majority. Voter participation was approximately 63%, a drop of nearly 20% from 2008. Voter apathy could be attributable to the fact that in the minds of many Angolans the victory of the MPLA was never in doubt.
The elections
Predictions of unrest and violence in the run-up and after the elections were unfounded. The opposition parties UNITA and CASA-CE have alleged fraud and called the election process into question. Their main criticisms are that the Angolan National Election Commission (CNE) failed to accredit party observers to all polling stations and that the voter register was not made public. Both parties will contest the results from some polling stations where they did not have observers present but this will happen within the framework of the law. UNITA has stated that they will provide a dossier 'proving fraud'. But any legal challenge will likely be a long drawn-out affair and may fizzle-out as the MPLA get on with running the country.
UNITA nearly doubled its support from 10% in 2008 to nearly 19% and this will temper any misgivings about the process. Likewise, CASA-CE which was only formed in March this year, will be pleased to have entered parliament on their first try with around 6% of the vote.
The elections were judged free and credible by SADC observers, and the head of the African Union observer mission and former president of Cape Verde, Pedro Pires, stated that the elections proceeded 'satisfactorily' and were an improvement from 2008.
The next five years
The elections prove the continued dominance of the MPLA in Angolan politics. One implication of this is that internal MPLA party dynamics will continue to strongly influence Angolan politics, perhaps even more so than the opposition. Manuel Vicente as vice-president is still a contentious choice for some within the party. He will have to invest in his popularity amongst Angolan citizens and MPLA party members.
In terms of governing the country, President dos Santos and his government will focus on the challenges of reducing poverty and inequality, increasing economic opportunities for the majority and creating jobs. In the words of the president: 'Our social development should be as dynamic as our economic growth.'
After investing heavily in physical infrastructure, which has mostly been put into place over the last ten years, human and social infrastructure is now the priority for Angola's government. Mass education and mass employment however are considerably more difficult to achieve than building railway lines or roads, and instead of kilometres of roads tarred Angola will have to accept the UNDP's Human Development Index as a measure of success.
A new census in 2013 (the first since 1970) will contribute accurate data for better policy-making. But the government has taken on a colossal challenge which may require wide-reaching reforms to make the Angolan system of governance more efficient. Good policy ideas do not always get translated into policy outcomes on the ground and on many levels of government there are capacity and accountability deficits.
While the elections and the increase in opposition MPs could partly alleviate these accountability deficits, local elections (autarquias) seem unavoidable in the medium term to increase government responsiveness and accountability. As of yet no date has been set for the autarquias.
The presidential succession
With the re-election of President dos Santos and now vice-president Manuel Vicente (former CEO of Sonangol), the final pieces for an eventual exit of dos Santos are in place. Vicente as successor to the presidency is instrumental to avoiding a scenario similar to that of Zambia, where former President Chiluba was convicted of various corruption cases upon leaving office.
The exact moment of dos Santos's retreat from frontline politics will crucially depend on Vicente's popularity with the population and within the party. While dos Santos has been able to steer the political currents and has core support amongst party and population, Vicente seems aloof and out of place in the political arena. It also remains to be seen whether Vicente can emulate dos Santos's skill as a political operator to remain in power. Dos Santos will assist Vicente - especially in the first few months (or even years), but Vicente will eventually have to learn to stand on his own two feet.
Markus Weimer is Research Fellow, Africa Programme, and Coordinator, Angola Forum, at Chatham House
Monday, September 3, 2012
R.I.P. Michael Clarke Duncan Dies; Actor Was 54
About six weeks after he suffered a cardiac arrest and needed his fiancee - Omarosa Manigault - to revive him and get him to the hospital, actor Michael Clarke Duncan has passed away. He was 54.
Best known for his role in The Green Mile and most recently a series regular on Fox's The Finder, Duncan reportedly died unexpectedly, though he was hospitalized at the time.
TMZ sources say Omarosa's mother was at Duncan's side, while the former Apprentice star herself simply left the room for a short while and returned to the horrible news.
While details are sketchy at the moment, the actor's rep says his client never fully recovered from last month's myocardial infarction. The rep adds in a statement:
"[Omarosa] Manigault is grateful for all of your prayers and asks for privacy at this time. Celebrations of his life, both private and public, will be announced at a later date."
Prior to his Oscar nomination for The Green Mile, the 6'5", 300-pound Duncan served as bodyguard for such stars as Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, Jamie Foxx, LL Cool J and Notorious B.I.G.
Election 2012: Angola's Ruling MPLA Party Wins 74 Percent of Vote
President Jose Eduardo dos Santos' ruling party has won 73 percent of the national vote assuring his government, in power for 32 years, another five years in power.
With 85 percent of the votes counted from Friday's poll, the state election commission said Sunday that the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola, or MPLA, has gained a large majority. The MPLA will control Angola's 220 seat legislature, but the party's margin of victory is down from the 82 percent that it won in 2008.
The largest opposition party, UNITA, won 18 percent of the vote, nearly twice its share from 2008. And newcomer party, CASA-CE, gained five percent. Both opposition parties criticized the elections for not being free and fair.
The elections were largely peaceful and relatively well-organized in this former Portuguese colony of 21 million that is Africa's second largest oil producer, according to a diplomatic observer.
"We didn't witness one single case of coercion of intimidation. People voted freely throughout the country," Leonardo Simao, chief of the observing mission of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries, or CPLP, told The Associated Press.
He said the turnout of 57 percent of the 9 million eligible voters was good, particularly among women and youths, and that the voting process went smoothly.
"If there are people who have witnessed wrongdoings or violations of the law, they should use legal procedures to bring forward their grievances," Simao said.
The African Union observers declared the election to be "free, just, transparent and credible," said Pedro Pires, chief of the mission, although he noted that opposition parties did not have equal access to the state media and Angolans living abroad could not vote.
Others, however, were more critical of the election process.
"This was all prepared during the electoral process," said Elias Isaac of the Open Society Initiative of Southern Africa. "The only surprise for me is that the ruling party did not get 90 percent." He said many abstained from voting, and that "the whole system was built to exclude and prevent people from heading to the polls."
On a positive note, Isaac said that "CASA-CE has done very well" for such a new party "especially given the context of a virtual one party system. But real change will only come when the electoral process is managed by independent, critical people," Isaac said.
Friday's elections were Angola's second since the end of the 27-year civil war, which lasted from 1975 to 2002, and the third since independence. On September 20 President Jose Eduardo dos Santos and his MPLA party will mark 33 years in power.