Contemporary African Photographs
- Africa Focus: Sights and Sounds of a Continent
- "visual images and sounds of Africa contributed over the years to the African Studies Program of theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison..." "more than 3000 slides, 500 photographs, and 50 hours of sound from forty-five different countries." Locate photos by topic, country, keyword.
- - Photo Library
- Photographs of People and Culture, Places and Scenery, and Wildlife. "donated by friends and family or taken by Vera Cheal." Site based in the U.K.
- Africa Media Online
- Professional marketplace based in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. Sells publication rights to images, audio files and text produced by African journalists. Has high resolution images. Directory of African photographers available for photographic assignments. Has a World Cup section, Twenty Ten. Royalty free CDs (urban Africa, business, people/relationships). Education, etc.
- Africa News
- Online magazine. Includes photographs. Focus is on Business, Microfinance, Society, Culture, Travel, Nature, Music and Sport. Published by Africa Interactive Publishers: Bas Vlugt, Peter Vlam. Based in the Netherlands.
- Africa - PBS / National Geographic / Thirteen/WNET NY Television Series, Sept. 9 - Oct. 28, 2001
- Site for the TV series. Includes a Photoscope section of photo essays on AIDS, urban life (Cairo, Rwanda, gays, the internet, Congo, South Africa, Nigeria), conflict (Eritrea, Burundi, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Rwanda, Congo, Sudan), the environment, women. [KF]
- Africa Photo
- In English and German. Huge database, now split into two web sites. Includes historical photographs, photos by ethnic group, occupation, country, types of art, building, etc. Site by Christoph & Friends + Das Fotoarchiv., Essen, Germany. [KF]
- Africa Travel Photo Gallery
- Photographers can submit their photos. Wildlife, people, landscapes, cities, monuments, etc. Site maintained by Andrew Muigai.
- African Ceremonies
- Site for Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher 's photographic books of traditional Africa (West, East, Southern Africa).
- AfriPics Images
- Sells stock photos. Need to request quotes. 27,000 photographs (licensed or royalty free) of People (mainly traditional Tuareg, Maasai, Zulu, Xhosa, Tonga, Afar; few modern urban scenes) and culture, Landscapes, scenics (Kigali, etc.) and Wildlife and nature. "print-ready, fully corrected 300 dpi A3 scans." Based in Nelspruit, South Africa.
- Agenzia Fides
- In English, Italian, French, etc. News, articles and documents from the Vatican regarding Catholic missions in Africa and other countries. Has for example (in Portuguese) a 2004 pastoral letter issued by the Catholic Bishops of Angola (summary in English). Photographs (from the 1930s to present) from African countries can be downloaded.
- Art and Life in Africa Online - University of Iowa
- Snapshots of Daily Life in Mali and Burkina Faso
Essay by Professor Christopher D. Roy, Department of Art and Art History, The University of Iowa. Photographs by L. Lee McIntyre, Ph.D., The University of Iowa. Includes architecture, Bobo-Dioulasso, homes, market scenes, family compounds.
- - Photographs Section
- In French and English. Extensive site. Profile of Senegal, photographs and videos, Senegalese artistsand their work, glass paintings, etc. Site by Im�dia, based in Dakar; "une jeune soci�t� s�n�galaise sp�cialis�e dans la communication et le multim�dia."
- Berluteau, Eric - Photographs
- Photographs of Senegal, Morocco, wildlife, etc. Photographer Berluteau was born in France and lives in Morocco.
- Burkina by Matt
- A collection of photographs taken during Matt McClure's Peace Corps service in Burkina Faso from 2001-2003. He worked as a physics/chemistry teacher at a secondary school in a village named Kouka. People, culture, travel in West Africa, wildlife, Peace Corps volunteers. [KF]
- Camerapix Publishers International
- Iindependent multi-media company. Television production, publishing and photography. "The Camerapix Archive contains more than 4 million photographs of Africa and Asia. Spanning 40 years, subjects include current affairs, historical events, people and personalities, tribal images, wildlife, landscapes, and rare aerial and underwater photography." Founded by the late world-renowned photographer, cameraman and publisher, Mohamed "Mo" Amin, includes his biography. Based in Nairobi, Kenya.
- Chu, Jenny - Images of Africa
- Photographs from Angola, Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sierra Leone and Somalia taken in 2002 on relief activities of the International Medical Corps. The IMC site has additional photographs.
- Condominas Eric - Ethnographie Ordinaire, Gens du Mali
- In French. Portraits of Malien individuals and families. Account by the photographer and his resume; he is based in Paris.
- Corbis
- Has the Bettmann, Sygma, and Reuters archives of historical photographs with many African events. Photographs are expensive. Photographs can be purchased or licensed for use. Corbis is owned by Bill Gates (of Microsoft).
- Crawfurd, Jacob
- Jacob Crawfurd's 100 photographs of Cameroon, East Africa slide show and video clips, a panorama photograph of the valley in Bafang, Cameroon, plus 1937 historical photographs (no captions). Crawfurd, from Denmark, also heads JCJ Film, a one-man production company producing documentaries and short features. Learn about his video short story, Low Tide, with the Kizingo Arts Troupe, a group of 25 young Kenyan artists based in Mombasa, who perform Malaika.
- Crocquet, Pierre
- Crocquet is a photographer (and former accountant), winner of the 2003 Mondi Paper Magazine Award for Photography. Photographs of South Africa (including one of Nelson Mandela) and other African countries. Prints may be purchased. and
- A Day in the Life of Africa
- A photojournalism project, directed by David Cohen and Lee Liberman, to produce a book and traveling exhibition. Feb. 28, 2002, a hundred professional photojournalists (Pulitzer Prize, World Photo prize winners, etc.) from 25 countries documented a day in the life of Africa. All photographers used five-megapixel Olympus E-20 and Olympus C4040 cameras. The book is to be published November 2002. All publishing profits from the project will fund AIDS education programs in Africa."
See also the Washington Post site about the book which features the photographers and their photographs.
- Dear Ethiopia
- In English and French. Site by Bertrand Duquénois, an "account of my trips in this extraordinary country." Many photographs, includes an annotated bibliography (in French). [KF]
- Djibouti le pays des braves
- In French. Has beautiful photographs, information for travelers, message forum, links to Djibouti information. Site by Montagut Serge.
- Dogon - Lobi - River Niger Albums
- Over 400 photographs in six photo albums on contemporary urban Africa, the Dogon (Mali) , River Niger, and Lobi (Burkina Faso), and Egypt. One or two word captions only. Photographs by Huib Blom.
- In French. "un espace de rencontre et d'animation culturelle entre tous les fils, filles et amis duCameroun en général et du département de la Menoua en particulier." Has photographs (including contemporary artists), and many other features.
- Ethiopia Land of Faith
- Photographs of the site-owner photographer's 2002 trip to Ethiopia (Timket, Gondar, Axum, ancient churches and monasteries, Lalibela, Bahar Dar and Lake Tana), Addis Ababa. Photographs are captioned. Part of the site, Photography, a Worldview. [KF]
- Fayemi, A. Olusegun
- Contemporary black and white photographs (women, children, elders) from Nigeria, Senegal, Mali, Ghana, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Zimbabwe, Nigeri and other countries. Dr. Fayemi is Clinical Associate Professor of Pathology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY. Site for Albofa Press, publisher of Dr. Fayemi's books, in White Plains, New York. [KF]
- Flickr
- Find photographs on many topics taken by people all over the world. Site owned by Yahoo.
- Gettyone
- People, African art, wildlife, paintings, historical photographs. Requires setting cookies on your computer. [KF]
- Google Image Search
- A search on Abdoulaye Wade retrieved 20 images, on Olusegun Obasanjo over 100 images including cartoons and for ibeji (twin figures) c. 60 images. Pages take a while to load. Results are pretty good though it's a puzzle as to why some images are retrieved.
- - Pictures and Travel Journals from Southern and East Africa
- The author's travel journal and photographs of Uganda (54 images), Rwanda (48 images), Tanzania, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia (67 images), Zimbabwe, South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, Lesotho, Namibia, Angola, Botswana, Ethiopia (120 images), recorded between November 2, 2004 and April 29, 2005. Photographs have description, location, date. The Site owner is Peder af Geijerstam who lives in Stockholm, Sweden. [KF]
- Heller, Dan - Travel Photographer
- Photos from West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Sahara Desert, Togo) and Tanzania (the Maasai, Mt. Kilimanjaro). Tips, advice for photographers.
- Iluminando Vidas - Fotografia Mocambicana 1950-2001, Ricardo Rangel & the Next Generation
- A photo exhibition about Mozambique photography from 1950 to 2001 by Ricardo Rangel, his proteges, Kok Nam and others. Daily life in Mozambique from colonial times to the present. Over 100 black and white photographs. Photographers' biographies, self portraits. An exhibition catalog was published. Historical timeline. [KF]
- Flickr - Images FOR Africa
- "We want to collect 'Images of Africa' that are 'free to use' according to a Creative Commons License: Social documentary, structures, public transport, village life, poverty, nature, wildlife ... everything!"
- Incwadi, A Journal of South African poetry and photography
- Founded in 2009. "represents new work by most of South Africa’s prominent poets. Editor: Ingrid Andersen. "Incwadi means both letter (missive) and book in Nguni languages."
- Institut de recherche pour le d�veloppement (Paris)
- French government research institute, formerly ORSTOM, with offices in Africa. Has photo images in their INDIGO database. See also the SERIMEDIS database which includes the Indigo database plus picture libraries of some of the major French research institutes. Subscription is free of charge. [KF]
- International Center of Photography. Museum - Snap Judgements: New Positions in Contemporary African Photography
- Curated by Okwui Enwezor. Selected images, artists' biographies.
- IRIN Audiovisuals
- Photographs of contemporary events - Rwanda 1994, Sierra Leone, Angola's War, Demining in Angola, Angola Food Report, etc. "Print-quality photos can be downloaded free of charge for non-commercial use ...." From the Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN), part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). [KF]
- The Maasai and Agents of Change
- "The information and perspectives you'll find on this web site are, unlike most web sites on the Maasai,presented by a Maasai person rather than outsiders." On the people, land struggle, ceremonies, art, school & water projects, community, lion hunting, conservation, Western Paparazzi [who depict people as objects]. Sells a video by the site author, "Maasai and Agents of Change - a documentary" filmed in southeastern Kenya near Mt. Kilimanjaro in the Merrueshi region. Site by Kakuta ole Maimai Hamisi, presently a student in Washington state, U.S. [KF]
"Our photographs are unlike other photographer's work simply because the people photographed are our relatives and friends, who agree to be photographed on their own initiative. We represent them in a respectful manner which outside scholars sometimes fail to do."
- Mande Studies Association
- "...a multidisciplinary group with interests in the Mande region of West Africa." Their Newsletter is online, publishes a journal, Mande Studies. Membership directory. Mande language map. Has photographstaken by members, etc.
- -African Odyssey
- Narrative and photographs of the author's travels through Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana in the spring of 1999. Photographs and accounts of urban and rural life. Some photographs cover themes (statues, transport, women). Has a photo of Thomas Sankara's grave (former Burkina Faso president). By Mark Davies of London, U.K. [KF]
- McCall, John C., and Christey Carwile-Routon - "Other Africas. Images of Nigerian Modernity"
- Online exhibit of Nigerian poster calendars, television and video movie trailers (with video / audio clips), photographs of Enugu urban scenes, a Y2K billboard, clothing motifs. Accompanies an exhibit at the University Museum of Southern Illinois University, January - April 2002. Maintained by John C. McCall, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL and Christey Carwile-Routon, doctoral student in anthropology.
- Men, Pierrot - Pierrot Men, Tales of the Island
- Photographs of Madagascar by photographer, Pierrot Men, born in Fianarantsoa. On the Tamarin gallery site.
- MOdAMO.COM Photography "Photography for the discerning"
- Nigerian photography studio. "......provides high quality professional photo services ranging from events to executive portraits to weddings." Based in Lagos, Nigeria.
- The Other Africa / L'Autre Afrique
- In French and English. "a new vision of the African continent far from the usual afro-pessimism of the Western Media" The African Middle Class, African Lights (cityscapes at night) and African DJs (portraits of African radio DJs. Covers Cameroon, Cape Verde, Gabon, Mauritania, Sao Tome, Senegal. Maintained by Philippe Sibelly (from Marseille, now based in London). or
- Panapress, Pana
- Pan african news agency. See the Photo section to purchase photographs. Must register to find out prices. Photos such as of Wole Soyinka, World Cup South Africa 2010.
- Panos Pictures
- "a London-based independent photo agency representing photojournalists worldwide. Our photographers document issues and geographical areas which are under-reported, misrepresented or ignored." Sells high resolution photographs. "Panos’ job is to make the immensely complex issues facing developing countries accessible and understandable..." Connected with the Panos Institute. Based in London. [KF]
- Peace Corps - Water in Africa
- "contains over 500 photo resources, representing the best of more than 3000 images submitted by the Peace Corps Volunteers serving in Africa." Access photos by country. Each photo has descriptive captions. Has short narratives about water in African daily life, lessons plans (by grade or subject) for K-12 students, maps, technical drawings. Produced by Peace Corps Volunteers, World Wise Schools' (WWS) classroom teachers, and WWS staff members.
- Photoshare
- Health & development photographs. Search the database by subject, country, region, photographer. "intended for journalistic, documentary use. "images are available strictly for non-profit, educational use promoting international health and development,...." "request images for non-profit educational use,..." Has photography / image tips.
"The Information and Knowledge for Optimal Health Project (the INFO Project), based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's Center for Communication Programs, receives support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)."
- Press, Betty - African Photographs
- Photographs of West and East Africa. Betty Press was a photojournalist in Africa from 1987 to 1995. Now teaches photography at the University of Southern Mississippi.
- Schadeberg, Jurgen
- Site of the photographer who "documented black life, capturing on film the Rise of the Freedom Movement, Apartheid Repression and the vibrancy of township life and culture." "The Schadeberg Collection of Photographs brings to life key social, cultural and political events and personalities in South Africa's turbulent history." Recent photos, the San people of the Kalahari, jazz, Kliptown.
- Senegalaisement
- In French. Everything about life in Senegal, images of historic postcards (1870-1960), classifieds (rentals, etc.), videos (life & scenes in Senegal, Senegal's 2002 World Cup soccer team, news about the 2002 ferry disaster), Noms et prénoms du Sénégal, national parks (with maps), photographs. Based in France. [KF]
- Sierra Leone Web - Photographs
- Many sites with Sierra Leone photographs. Site maintained by Peter C. Andersen.
- South African History On-line - Bonani Africa 2010
- South African History On-line - Photography Online Books
- South African Journal of Photography (Pretoria, South Africa)
- "an open source publication that is aimed at producing a direct and non-bias reflection of the fine art photographic market in South Africa." Professional photographers who are members display their work. Exhibitions calendar.
- [Suzman] Caroline Suzman
- Suzman is a Johannesburg freelance photographer. Photographs of South African life, Alexandra township, the Miss Gay South Africa contest, the Miss South Africa contest, preparations against farm attacks. Suzman has worked for the The Sunday Times and The Mail & Guardian. She is a member of World Picture News photo agency in New York.
- UNESCO Photobank Online
- In English and French. Photographs and slides from 1946 + when UNESCO was founded. Search options include by country, geographic location (city, etc.), topic, photographer, year, keyword.
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Photographs
- Many Africa-related photographs especially of refugees. Photos are free. Also videos.
- University of Virginia. Cape Coast Archive
- Photographs of Ghana. Includes downtown Cape Coast, Cape Coast Castle, Elmina Castle, Asafo Shrine-Elmina, Kakum National Park, Government House 1998, architectural drawings 1999, local street signs / billboards 1999, historic photos of jails, churches, government buildings, children, Panafest 1999, boat building, Ko-sa Beach Resort, two early maps." For the Panoramic Images - Click on the far right symbol, place the cursor on the photo and hold the mouse button down to see a panorama of each photo. "a collaborative effort by the University of Virginia Library, the United States branch of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), and Ghanaian institutions to document the unique cultural landscape of the Cape Coast,..." [KF]
- University of Washington Libraries - Cities and Buildings Database
- Many photographs of buildings from Ethiopia (churches, traditional wall paintings, Lalibela, photos by Juli McGruder), also from Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana (slave castles, traditional buildings), Northern Ghana(Herbert Cole photographs), Kenya (traditional buildings, Fort Jesus), Mali (mosques, cliff dwellings, Timbuktu), Niger (markets, Univ. of Niamey, villages, resorts, Nigeria (Nigerian architect's residence, markets, local govt buildings, compounds, homes, schools, Lagos, shrines, National Museum, includes Simon Ottenberg's photographs, secret society building), Tanzania (Zanzibar, mosques, carved doors, Zanzibar fort, People's Palace, includes photos by Juli McGruder), Zimbabwe (Great Zimbabwe, photos by Juli McGruder), Madagascar, Senegal. Includes photographs from journalist Lisa Schnellinger. [KF]
- USAID Africa Photo Library
- "photos taken by USAID staff and development partners reflects some of the many facets of USAID's work in Africa." Browse by country, sector (agriculture, crisis response, democracy, economic growth, education, environment, health, information technology), and keywords. "These photos may be used for non-commercial and educational purposes only."
- White Fathers / Pères Blancs / Société des Missionnaires d'Afrique - Photographs
- In French and English. "The Society of the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) was born in Algeria, founded in 1868 by Mgr Charles Lavigerie, archbishop of Algiers." Includes photographs, etc. [KF]
- Women Warriors: Cultural Guardians of the Ndebele
- Photographs of Ndebele women, their mural paintings, beadwork, etc. On the site of Home Girl, Inc. created by Adrienne Hoard. Based in Jefferson City, Missouri.
- World Bank Photo Library
- Has many Africa-related photos. Use the Advanced Search. "Focusing on global development subjects include: agriculture, architecture, environment, health schools, nutrition programs, transportation, urban development and water issues."
Historical Photographs
Sites with photograph or graphic collections are listed below. Other historical web sites may contain photographs.
- Africa Photo
- In English and German. Huge database, now split into two web sites. Includes historical photographs, photos by ethnic group, occupation, country, types of art, building, etc. Site by Christoph & Friends + Das Fotoarchiv., Essen, Germany. [KF]
- Agenzia Fides
- In English, Italian, French, etc. News, articles and documents from the Vatican regarding Catholic missions in Africa and other countries. Has for example (in Portuguese) a 2004 pastoral letter issued by the Catholic Bishops of Angola (summary in English). Photographs (from the 1930s to present) from African countries can be downloaded.
- American Museum of Natural History. Congo Expedition, May 1909-November 1915 [Historical Photographs]
- "In 1909,...Herbert Lang and James Chapin set sail for the Belgian Congo....By the time they sailed home five and one-half years later, they had collected tons of precious zoological and anthropological specimens..."
an introductory, multimedia slide show.
diaries of James Chapin ("At age 19, in 1909, James Chapin left New York for northeastern Congo where he served as Herbert Lang's assistant for the next five years. Chapin was interested in many aspects of Africa's natural history. Birds, however, were his passion, a fact borne out by these diaries.")biographies of James Paul Chapin and Herbert Lang, photographs (villages, primates), the watercolorsof James Chapin including Congo mural paintings, birds, fish, reptiles, mammels,
excerpts from "African Reflections: Art from Northeastern Zaire," by Enid Schildkrout and Curtis A. Keim (AMNH and University of Washington Press, 1990) including their photographs of Congo musical instruments
"160 publications including 120 American Museum of Natural History publications based on the material collected by the 1909-1915 Congo Expedition, 12 British Museum publications by Barry Bolton on Congo ants, 11 publications on African ants by the South African Museum and affiliated organizations, and 17 Congo-related World Conservation Union (IUCN) publications."
a central African map with layers. Select which features will appear on the map: lakes, cities, roads, railroads, forest, mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, etc., a map of Chapin and Lang's travels
historic maps reflecting the "development of European knowledge of African geography from 1562 through 1940." Reproduced with permission of the New York Public Library and the British Library.
audio (requires sound card, headset or speakers) and video clips of the Belgian Congo Records made by the "adventurer and filmmaker Armand Denis during his 1934-35 cross-Africa expedition. They were among the first recordings made of the sounds of the central Congo. The Babiara people, whose songs may be heard..... are one of the four main tribal groups who occupy the Ituri Forest." The video clip shows a traditional Mangbetu dance.
a bibliographic essay on sources by Paula Willey, specially prepared bibliographies on Congo Conservation (314 citations), Description & Travel (1218 citations), Maps & Atlases (220 citations).
Newspaper Headlines, 1880-1916 about the Congo from the New York Times and the New York Herald[KF]
- Art Institute, Chicago. William B. Fagg (1914-1992) Archive
- Finding aid for the collection, no online images. "Over a ten-year period, British art historian and ethnographer William B. Fagg made a series of trips to Benin, the Congo, and Nigeria to photograph the work of artists, ceremonies, and daily life in those regions. This collection of 2800 black and white photographs is one of only four sets of the Fagg archive in the United States and was printed from the original negatives held by the Royal Anthropological Society in London. In addition to the images, the collection also contains annotated transcriptions of Fagg's original field notes and photographs of Fagg himself."
- Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record
- Compiled by Jerome Handler (Virginia Foundation for the Humanities) and Michael Tuite (Digital Medial Laboratory, University of Virginia). Over 1,000 images of pre-colonial Africa (ex. Queen Nzinga, King of Benin, King of the Kongo, European trading posts) and the slave trade in Africa and the Americas. Some images are in color; all have descriptive information and sources. [KF]
- Au Sénégal - Cartes postales anciennes
- In French. Historical postcards (1900-1960) of former French West Africa (Senegal, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso) from the Archives Nationales du Senegal. Depicting people, historical events. Citations of the postcards are also in a Microsoft Access database (you need the Access program to use this). Part of a cdrom containing 1,515 postcards and the citations database. Maintained by Archivist Paléographe, Adama Aly PAM. Hosted on the site by Imédia, a Senegalese company. [KF]
- Has a Currency Museum with photographs of banknotes from Africa. For South Africa has currency as old as 1896, from 1909 for Angola, British West Africa from 1918, from the Belgian Congo 1914, from French West Africa 1929, from Germa East Africa 1905, from the BCEAO "Banknotes of West African States" 1959, Rhodesia and Nyasaland 1956 and more. Site from Asheville, North Carolina. [KF] See also World Paper Money Collection by Ron Wise.
- Basel Mission Archive. Photogaraph Collection
- Over 25,000 images from the Basel Mission Archive with 6,100 images from Cameroon and 5,900 images from Ghana "dating from 1860 (in the case of Ghana) or 1885 (in the case of Cameroon) to ca. 1945." Includes the "Basel Mission's "sample book" of engravings used in its publications in the 19th century." "These were often "drawn" very exactly from photographs and increase the number of images of direct interest to students of Africa...". The web-site includes a substantial essay in interpretation of the use of photographs for themes of interest to historians, written by Emmanuel Akyeampong. Search the image database by Proper name, Institution name, Photographer / Photo Studio, Theme, Geography.
- Beech, Joan - Follow the Red Dirt Road: The Story of our Life in West Africa from 1947 to 1958
- Full text account of an English woman and her husband who was a Chief Assayer for a gold mine in the Gold Coast. Includes photographs. Mentions Kwame Nkrumah.
- British Library. Images Online
- Antiquarian maps, historical personages, etc.
- British Pathe Film Archive
- A rich video news archive covering historical events, sport, social history and entertainment from 1896 to 1970. ITN now distributes British Pathe film. Obtain free low resolution video clips after the free registration. High resolution copies for PowerPoint Presentations and Web Publishing require a license fee.* The purpose of the site is mainly educational use. Commercial users who wish to order a videotape or DVD must order through a British Pathe librarian. The original film is 35mm. The free downloaded files may be e-mailed to others. By spring 2003, JPEG images will be available. For best search results, one needs to use a one word search such as Kenya or Nigeria and then look through the entire results. [KF]
* Higher quality hard copy on VHS (PAL format only) can be ordered. "There are three options for purchasing clips; single stories can be bought for £18 each, up to 7 stories costs £75, and 8 or more stories costs £10 each, all inclusive of VAT. Postage and Packing is an additional £2.25 for customers inside the United Kingdom, £10.00 for customers outside the United Kingdom."
- Centre Edmond Fortier
- In Dutch, English, French. Photographs by Edmond Fortier on historical postcards,1900 - 1910. Has an exhibition of postcards from Guinee (1905), Tombouctou (1906), Benin (1908), Saint-Louis (1900), Djenné (1905). "Includes photographs of l 'Almami" Samori Touré, the son of El Hajj Umar. As photographer and publisher of postcards, he visited Senegal and Guinea, Mali in 1906, Ivory- coast, Benin and Lagos in 1908..." Sells copies of the postcards. Site maintained by Jacques Krekelaar. [KF]
- Companhia de Moçambique
- In Portuguese. "Retratos da África Oriental Portuguesa" Photographs from Álbuns Fotográficos e Descritivos da Colónia de Moçambique, by José dos Santos Rufino (1929). Links to other Mozambique blogs. On the Blogger web site. [KF]
- Congo Stamps
- Stamps from the DRC (from the Independant State Congo 1886-1908 to the present), Burundi, Rwanda. Detailed descriptions, photographs, bibliography. Forgeries. Questions page. Maintained by Guy van Rijn. [KF]
- Corbis
- Search for historical photographs which can be purchased or licensed for use. Try searching on colonial africa which retrieves images such as the capture of Kumasi by the British from the Bettmann Collection. Corbis is owned by Bill Gates (of Microsoft).
- Crawfurd, Jacob
- Jacob Crawfurd's 100 photographs of Cameroon, East Africa slide show and video clips, a panorama photograph of the valley in Bafang, Cameroon, plus 1937 historical photographs (no captions). Crawfurd, from Denmark, also heads JCJ Film, a one-man production company producing documentaries and short features. Learn about his video short story, Low Tide, with the Kizingo Arts Troupe, a group of 25 young Kenyan artists based in Mombasa, who perform Malaika.
- Creation of the OAU (Organization of African Unity) - Makonnen Ketema
- Account by Makonnen Ketema whose father, the late Ketema Yifru, was former foreign minister of Ethiopia and closely involved in the OAU's creation. Includes a biography and photographs of K. Yifru. Also photographs of Kwame Nkrumah, Modibo Kieta of Mali, Seku Toure of Guinea, Emperor Haile Selassie, Jomo Kenyatta, William Tubman, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Diallo Telli, Tafewa Balewa, Salim Ahmed Salim and others.
- [Curtin] Philip Curtin Collection
- Black and white photographs from the 1960s of the Senegambia, by History Professor Philip Curtin. Part of the African Online Digital Library.
- Davies, Rick - Mogadishu Images from the Past
- "A cartographic and photographic record of Mogadishu, Somalia, from the late 18th century to 1990. This page has been created and maintained by Rick Davies, a resident of the city in the 1980s." Brief history, historical photographics (many postcards). Dr. Davies, an Australian, is a social development consultant based at the Centre for Development Studies, University of Wales Swansea, U.K.
- Die Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft (DKG) Bildarchiv
- In English and German. The Stadt- und Universit�tsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main has put on-line a large keyword searchable database of colonial era photographs, 1822-1936, from the archives of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft [German Colonial Society], a major organization behind Germany's colonial expansion. Covers Namibia, Tanzania, Cameroon, Togo, etc. One can click on the small photos to see a larger version. The database can be searched by Region, Subject Areas, Keyword, Person, Photographer, People. The collection, of thousands of photographs, is also being microfilmed for preservation. [B.Lawrance and KF]
- Eboué, Félix
- Eboué, Governor of Chad, during World War II, aligned with Charles de Gaulle's Free French Forces in defiance of the Vichy regime. Eboué, originally from French Guiana, became Governor-General of French Equatorial Africa. He is buried in the Pantheon in Paris.
Centre des Archives d'Outre Mer. Exposition Félix Eboué, Pantheon, Paris. In French. October 14 - November 5, 2004, the Centre held a conference and exhibition in Paris celebrating the 60th anniversary of the death of Eboué. Photographs from Eboué's life (at the Ecole coloniale, map of French Equatorial Africa, letter from General de Gaulle to Eboué, Eboué at the Brazzaville Conference, etc. [KF]
Exposition FÉLIX EBOUÉ à la Médiathèque Caraïbe. In French. Biography and bibliography.
- France. Bibliotheque nationale. Gallica
- "Gallica propose un accès à 70 000 ouvrages numérisés, à plus de 80 000 images et à plusieurs dizaines d'heures de ressources sonores." Images and full text from 19th century books and journals. Included are illustrations from over 16 African travel and ethnographic books from the Library of the Musee de l'Homme. For example, portraits of Senegalese women are in Esquisses s�n�galaises, Physionomie du pays, Peuplades, Commerce, Religions, Pass� et avenir, R�cits et l�gendes [Paris : P. Bertrand , 1853]. [KF]
- France. Centre des Archives d' Outre- Mer ( Aix-en-Provence ) - Photograph Database, Ulysse
- In French. The database, Ulysse has hundreds of photographs, posters, and eventually maps. Search under region and country. "Commencée en 2002, cette base a pour objectif de rendre progressivement accessibles les photographies isolées ou en albums, les cartes postales, les affiches, les dessins et gravures, les cartes et plans." Covers the 17th to mid 20th centuries.
- Garvey - Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers Project
- Project, directed by Robert A. Hill, at the James S. Coleman African Studies Center, UCLA. Has sample documents for the African series, 1913-1945 and a photo gallery.
- Gettyone
- The Hulton Getty collection has black and white historical photographs of Africa. Some captions have misspellings, i.e. "Members of the Askali [askari] native Kenyan constabulary chat as they prepare for a visit from Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip." Other collections show people, wildlife, paintings. Requires setting cookies on your computer. [KF]
- Google Image Search
- Page or scroll half way down the page to Image Search. A search on Haile Sellassie retrieved over 20 images, for Patrice Lumumba over 30 images, for Julius Nyerere over 50 images and for ibeji (twin figures) c. 60 images. Pages take a while to load. Results are pretty good though it's a puzzle as to why some images are retrieved.
- Graham (Billy) Center Archives, Wheaton College, IL
- Its Images of Colonial Africa exhibit are photographs by missionary Laura Collins of Kenya, Cameroon, Congo (Kinshasa), and Uganda in the early 1900s.
- Illustrated London News Print Library
- ILN Print Library, has a selection of prints which can be purchased for wall decoration. Examples - African Exploration and Discovery, Vintage Prints of Africa,Explorers.
- Illustrated London News - The Boer War 1899-1900 on CD
- Cd-rom of images from the weekly newspaper. Cost is $21.95.
- Iluminando Vidas - Fotografia Mocambicana 1950-2001, Ricardo Rangel & the Next Generation
- A photo exhibition about Mozambique photography from 1950 to 2001 by Ricardo Rangel, his proteges, Kok Nam and others. Daily life in Mozambique from colonial times to the present. Over 100 black and white photographs. Photographers' biographies, self portraits. An exhibition catalog was published. Historical timeline. [KF]
- Images du passé en Afrique de l'Ouest
- Images of old postcards depicting West Africa - Senegal (Dakar, Saint Louis, Ziguinchor), Dahomey, Haute Volta, Guinea (Conakry), Côte d'Ivoire, Soudan français, Niger, Cameroun, Freetown, Chad (Fort Lamy), Togo (Lomé, Atakpamé), Gold Coast (Accra, Kumasi). Maintained by Olivier Blot, a journalist and editor.
- Imperial War Museum. Photographs
- The Museum's Photograph Archive holds over six million images. The largest number are on World Wars I and II including the contribution of Commonwealth countries. "Britain's developing role as an international peacekeeper and the contribution of its armed forces to NATO and humanitarian reliefefforts are also shown." The few samples online exclude Africa.
- Institut Fondemental d'Afrique Noire (IFAN) - Photographs
- A selection of photographs from the IFAN collection - hairstyles, ceremonies, dress/adornment, Faidherbe, etc. IFAN, in Dakar, Senegal, was founded in 1939. [KF]
- ITN Archive
- "ITN Archive is one of the largest moving picture archives in the world with over 300,000 hours of material. With material dating back to 1896, the holdings comprise of all of ITN's output since 1955, the entire Reuters Television Library, the British Pathe News Archive and the Channel 4 Televisionarchive. ITN Archive includes historic newsreel footage, news agency material, rushes (b-roll) and broadcast news items from 1896 to the present day. Content includes: British Pathe 1896 - 1970, Gaumont Graphic 1910 - 1932, Empire News Bulletin 1926-1930, British Paramount News 1931-1957, Gaumont British 1929-1959, Universal News 1930-1949, Visnews 1957-1992, Reuters Television 1992 - present day, ITN 1955 - present day, Channel 4 Television 1982 - present day."
- Journal of Sports History
- Has full text articles, in Adobe pdf. Use the Search to find articles such as "Capturing 'The African' Body? Visual Images and 'Imaginative Sports' " by John Bale in Vol. 25, No. 2, of "The Journal of Sport History (18 pages) has been published by the North American Society for Sport History since 1974." [KF]
- Kaplan, Marion - Photographs
- Kaplan writes - "Born in London, I lived as photojournalist and writer in Africa for twenty years." Includes photos of arab dhows, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Uganda, political figures (Bokassa, Haile Selassie, Jomo Kenyatta, Idi Amin), wild animals, etc..
- Lafayette Negative Collection at the Victoria and Albert Museum
- Photographs of Ras Mak�nnen and his retinue, part of "...a collection of approximately 3,500 negatives dating from the 1880's to the 1930's" from a Dublin, Ireland photography studio founded in 1880. Ras Makönnen was an Ethiopian General & Governor of Harar and father of Emperor Haile Sellasie I. Has an account of "The Visit to England in 1902 of Ras M�konnen of Ethiopia" for the Coronation of King Edward VII. Detailed descriptions of photos.
- Landau, Paul - "Photography and Colonial Vision"
- Excerpt from a 1999 draft essay by Prof. Landau, History Dept., Yale University. To be pub. in "Images and Empires: Visuality in Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa," edited by Paul S. Landau and Deborah Kaspin). (H-Africa's Africa Forum #6)
- Larrabee, Constance Stuart - South Africa 1936-1949
- Use the Search page. Search for Constance Stuart Larrabee to find over 2,000 items. Photograph exhibition at the Smithsonian Museum of African Art (Washington, D.C.) Larrabee "worked as a professional photographer in South Africa until 1950. Her aesthetic eye is apparent in the exquisite black-and-white images that document the lives of African peoples in both rural and urban settings."
- League of Nations Photo Archive
- The League of Nations Archives’ photograph collections. "The originals of the photos are held with the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) Library, League of Nations Archives Sub-Unit and are its property." Includes photographs such as: Abyssina (Ethiopia). Delegation from Ethiopia on the admission to the League of Nations, September 28, 1923 From left to right, Robert Linant de Bellefonds, Dedjazinatch Nadeon, Ato Fassika.Geneva, 1923. and and photograph of Haile Selassie(See the Photos of Personalities, section 15).
Includes a digital copy of The Illustrated Album of the League of Nations, the League of Nations a Pictorial Survey. Has a chronology of the League of Nations from 1920 to 1946, bibliography, research guide, related sites. Produced by the League of Nations Archives, Geneva, Switzerland and the Center for the Study of Global Change, Bloomington, Indiana. [KF]
- Lerner Publishing Group. Visual Geography Series
- Has a few maps of African countries which can be saved to your computer and a small selection ofphotographs (some historical) which can be downloaded as well. See the Notes/Instructions for printing information. Lerner is a children's book publisher based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Liberia Past and Present
- Political and economic history of Liberia, including cultural affairs, from 1822 to date. Includes a chronology of Liberia's presidents with biographical information, maps, photographs (19th c. colonists), section on Liberian money with images, a bibliography. Maintained by Dr. Fred Van Der Kraaij whose dissertation was on the role of foreign investments in the development of Liberia 1900-1977, published as "The open door policy of Liberia : an economic history of modern Liberia ." (1983). [KF]
- Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
- "55,000 images related to Sub-Saharan Africa" Thumbnails only online for most images. Most higher resolution images viewable only at the Library of Congress. Many historical photographs such as EmperorHaile Sellassie with his pet dog, Bull; "Charles de Gaulle, chief of the Free France, is welcomed to Chad by Govenor-General Eboue of Free French Africa" LC owns the Look Magazine Photograph Collection among others. Includes posters such as "Journée de l'armée d'Afrique et des troupes coloniales" by Lucien Jonas, [KF]
- -African Odyssey
- Narrative and photographs of the author's travels through Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana in the spring of 1999. Some photographs cover themes (statues, transport, women). Has a photo of Thomas Sankara's grave (former Burkina Faso president). By Mark Davies of London, U.K. [KF]
- Memória Portuguesa de África e do Orient
- In Portuguese. Site takes a while to load. Historical postcards from Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, São Tomé e Príncipe. Click on the thumbnail to see a larger image. João M.Loureiro, owner of the postcards, has published them as books which are sold on the web site.
- MUNDUS Gateway to Missionary Collections in the U.K.
- A rich resource for locating U.K. archives of missionary societies and missionaries in Africa. Guide to more than 400 collections of missionary materials in over 40 institutions in the United Kingdom. Locate archives by geographic area, personal name, organizations, subjects, keyword. Maintained by Archive staff at the University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies. Includes a sample ofhistorical photographs, links to related sites.
- National Archives of England, Wales and the United Kingdom - Image Library
- National Archives (United Kingdom) - Africa Through a Lens
- Thousands of photographs dating from the 1860s to the 1980s are online. Incuded are "people, places, national and imperial events, conflict and natural disasters." People may add comments or identifying information to the photos.The images are from the Colonial Office Library. Approximately 10,000 images, a third of the entire collection, have been digitised" as of Feb. 2011.
- National Library of Australia - Picture Australia
- Thousands of historical photographs (Boer War, South Africa, East Africa, Zanzibar, etc.).
- National Library of Australia. Pictures Catalogue
- Search for citations to images in the library and to online images. Searching on Africa produces over 60 online images, mainly South African (Cape Town, Table Mountain) historical images / drawings / cartoons, African birds and one African beetle. [KF]
- National Library of Canada. Images in the News: Canadian Illustrated News
- Images of people, places and events from Canada and around the world from the magazine (published in Montreal) covering 1869-1883. Images for Africa are from the Ashanti War (and Ashanti Wars), Gold Coast and one of Fort Beaufort, South Africa.
- New York Public Library - Digital Gallery
- Covers maps in books (Muhammadan Africa, French Africa, early maps of West Africa, etc.), rare prints and photographs, illustrated books, printed ephemera (cigarette cards, British medals). See the Africana and Black History section and Customs and Costume. Two examples: The Fetish Folk of West Africa(1912) and A Geographical Present: Being Descriptions of the Several Countries of Africa (1831). [KF]
- New York Public Library - Picture Collection Online
- "30,000 digitized images from books, magazines and newspapers as well as original photographs, prints and postcards, mostly created before 1923." Photographs of Slave Ships, Costumes - Africa, Design - African, Slavery (return of slaves to Cape Verde, Zanzibar slave market, etc.), African-American History. [KF]
- Nkrumah Infosite
- Biography, bibliography of books on Nkrumah, photographs, audio clips. Designed by Zizwe Mtafuta-Ukweli for R4R productions.
- Northern Rhodesians Worldwide
- Has stories of life in Northern Rhodesia, historical photographs and excerpts from the "British South Africa Historical Catalogue & Souvenir of Rhodesia from the Empire Exhibition, Johannesburg, 1936-1937."
- Northwestern University. Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies - African Posters
- Has online images of 77 posters, part of a larger collection. Posters are from anti-apartheid movements, South Africa under apartheid, the 1994 South African election and Lusophone / Southern Africa liberation movements.
- Northwestern University. Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies. Winterton Collection
- The Humphrey Winterton Collection of East African (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zanzibar) and Ethiopia photographs comprises c. 7,600 photographs taken primarily in East Africa between about 1860 and 1960.
- Open Video Project - Wheels Across Africa
- Video dated 1936. "Armand Davis leads motor expedition in Africa, powered by Dodge cars." In three parts. Requires soundcard and speakers/headset for the audio." The video is from the Internet Archive. The Open Video Project is managed at the Interaction Design Laboratory, at the School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill." " "The purpose of the Open Video Project is to collect and make available a repository of digitized video content for the digital video, multimedia retrieval, digital library, and other research communities." [KF]
- Pankhurst, Richard - Ethiopian History
- Many articles by Dr. Pankhurst originally published in the newspaper, Addis Tribune. Topics include Ethiopian crosses, art, manuscripts, Lalibala, the looted Aksum Obelisk, Ethiopian artists, early history of photography in Ethiopia, etc.
- Panos Pictures
- Use the Search box to locate historical photographs (early 1900s) of the Congo (DRC) from Anti-Slavery International taken by Alice Seeley Harris and her husband, John Harris. Has extensive descriptions. " Their photographs formed part of what was probably the first orchestrated multimedia campaign against large scale human rights abuses. Alice Seeley Harris was a missionary in the Belgian Congo, and during her time there witnessed the horrific abuses of the indigenous population exploited by a wicked regime under King Leopold II of Belgium."
- PictureNET Africa (Houghton, South Africa)
- Its Gallery has contemporary and historical photographs. Licenses photographs of the late South African photographer, Ken Oosterbroek (1962-1994), Drum magazine / Baileys African History Archive, and photographs from South Africa's Sowetan newspaper.
- Royal Commonwealth Society. Photograph Project
- The Project will create an online searchable database . Search by country, topic, individuals, photographer. Photographs date from the late 19th century to the mid-1980s. Topics include leaders in Africa, administration in Africa, Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 1983, people, religion, belief & ceremonies in Africa, towns & cities, health, recreation, housing, domestic activities, transport, education. [KF]
- Royal Geographical Society
- The Picture Library holds photographs and artwork from the 1830s onwards "covering a wide variety of subjects including climbing, the Colonial Empire, deserts, exploration, indigenous peoples, landscapes, remote destinations and travel." Does have a slide show with an 1873 photo of a crowd entering Christianbourg Castle in Ghana.
Special collections include:
Thomas Baines (1820-1875): "The Society holds over forty original oil paintings and numerous sketches and watercolours, (mainly of Africa and Australia) by Baines, resident artist of the Society and artist on Livingstone's 1858 expedition to the Zambezi." In the Picture Library, see the Gallery
Samuel White Baker (1821-1893): "Watercolour sketches by this big game hunter, illustrate Baker's expedition to locate the source of the Nile. Baker with his wife Florence, who together travelled through Africa and reached a large lake in 1864 which Baker named Lake N'yanza, now Lake Albert on the Uganda/Zaire border. It was only later established as a secondary source of the River Nile."
Sir Harry Johnston (1858-1927): "Penetrating portraits and social documentation by this colonial administrator, geographer and anthropologist of Africa (1890-1900)...."
- Schadeberg, Jurgen
- Site of the photographer who "documented black life, capturing on film the Rise of the Freedom Movement, Apartheid Repression and the vibrancy of township life and culture." "The Schadeberg Collection of Photographs brings to life key social, cultural and political events and personalities in South Africa's turbulent history." Recent photos, the San people of the Kalahari, jazz, Kliptown.
- Schadeberg, Jürgen
- Photographs from the 1950s for sale by long- time Drum (South Africa) magazine photographer Schadeberg. Has one contemporary photograph of Nelson Mandela. [KF]
- Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
- The well-known branch of the New York Public Library devoted to the history, society, and culture of people of African descent has an online exhibition, the Schomburg Legacy, Documenting the Global Black Experience for the 21st Century. It features art work, historical documents and letters, the Herskovits Collection, the John Henrik Clarke Collection, the Ralph J. Bunche Collection and other. The Schomburg's exhibition, Images of African-Americans from the 19th Century, includes photographs of diplomats to Liberia and Bishop Sameul A. Crowther, first African Anglican bishop. [KF]
- Senegal Online - Historical Posters - l'Afrique Occidentale Française
- Historial posters from French West Africa. Based in Melun, France. [KF]
- Senegalaisement
- In French. Everything about life in Senegal, images of historic postcards (1870-1960), classifieds (rentals, etc.), videos (life & scenes in Senegal, Senegal's 2002 World Cup soccer team, news about the 2002 ferry disaster), Noms et prénoms du Sénégal, national parks (with maps), photographs. Based in France. [KF]
- Sierra Leone Web - Photographs
- Many sites with Sierra Leone photographs. Includes historic photos and postcards from Gary Schulze and Glenn Elert's Salone Scrapbook with currency from the 1980s and earlier. Site maintained by Peter C. Andersen.
- Smithsonian Photography Initiative
- Historical and contemporary photographs. Search, for example, their Postcard Collection.
- Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of African Art. In and Out of Focus. Images from Central Africa, 1885-1960
- A small selection from the exhibit of "...photographs from central Africa [DRC, Congo-Brazzaville, Rwanda, Tanzania, Angola] circulated as postcards, stereographs and illustrations between 1885, when the region came under the colonial domination of the Belgian crown, France and Portugal, and 1960, when central African countries gained their independence."
- Uganda - An Air Photo Archive of Settlement and Agriculture Rural Uganda 1963
- Photographs taken 1963 for a study of indigenous land use and settlement (West Nile and the North East) by Walter W. Deshler, on a sabbatical leave from the Geography Department, University of Maryland. Also ground based views of houses, granaries and other items. "Air photo archive of settlement and agriculture in rural Uganda 1963. Most photos are from low flying aircraft. Landscapes are shown in some detail, including houses, granaries, crops in the field, occasionally livestock and corrals." Mirror site at the University of Maryland Geography Department:
- UNESCO Photobank Online
- In English and French. Photographs and slides from 1946 + when UNESCO was founded. Search options include by country, geographic location (city, etc.), topic, photographer, year, keyword.
- University of Cape Town Libraries - The San (Bushman) Photographs of Dorothea Bleek
- A selection of photos from "an album containing 310 photographs [1910 to the 1920s] taken by Dorothea Bleek during her many expeditions to identify and record the San (Bushman) languages of Southern Africa." Includes Bleek's "Distribution map of Bushmen languages."
- University of Cape Town Libraries - UCT Through the Years
- "Groote Schuur Campus 1900 - Present" Historical photographs (buildings) of the University of Cape Town campus. "....selected from a collection of photographs of the Groote Schuur campus, in the Manuscripts and Archives Department at the University of Cape Town Libraries. They date from the early1900s to the present ....."
- University of Natal. Campbell Historic Photograph Collection
- Need to register to look at images. "some 30,000 images, [by Dr Killie Campbell] mainly black and white and sepia toned prints, a rich visual documentation of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, mainly of Natal and Zululand." Includes Bambata Rebellion 1906, Dinuzulu, King of the Zulu, "earlyDurban, including street scenes, architecture, harbour and environs in late nineteenth century," Cape Town; Stellenbosch; Pietermaritzburg; King William's Town, Sheba Mine and town of Barberton,Swaziland, raiilways, hunting scenes, military groups, cultural dress and traditions of Northern Zululand and Tongaland. Part of the Killie Campbell Africana Library. [KF]
- University of Southern California. Internet Mission Photography Archive
- "historical images from Protestant and Catholic missionary collections in Britain, Norway, Germany, and the United States." Search by country or repository. Includes Ghana, Madagascar, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe between the mid-19th and mid-20th centuries. The photographs relating to Africa come from the archives of the Moravian Church, Leipzig Mission, the Norwegian Missionary Society, and the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Site based at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. [KF]
- University of Virginia. Cape Coast Archive
- Photographs of Ghana. Includes downtown Cape Coast, Cape Coast Castle, Elmina Castle, Asafo Shrine-Elmina, Kakum National Park, Government House 1998, architectural drawings 1999, local street signs / billboards 1999, historic photos of jails, churches, government buildings, children, Panafest 1999, boat building, Ko-sa Beach Resort, two early maps." For the Panoramic Images - Click on the far right symbol, place the cursor on the photo and hold the mouse button down to see a panorama of each photo. "a collaborative effort by the University of Virginia Library, the United States branch of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), and Ghanaian institutions to document the unique cultural landscape of the Cape Coast,..." [KF]
- University of Virginia. Jackson Davis Collection (1915-1930)
- Over 400 photographs (with almost no descriptions) from various African countries (Uganda, Zimbabwe, Liberia, Congo, etc.). Part of 4,000 photographs of African-American educational scenes in the southern United States. Photographs by Jackson Davis ca. 1915-1930 taken when he was with the General Education Board in New York, New York.
- University of Washington Libraries - Cities and Buildings Database
- Many photographs of buildings from Ethiopia (churches, traditional wall paintings, Lalibela, photos by Juli McGruder), also from Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana (slave castles, traditional buildings), Northern Ghana(Herbert Cole photographs), Kenya (traditional buildings, Fort Jesus), Mali (mosques, cliff dwellings, Timbuktu), Niger (markets, Univ. of Niamey, villages, resorts, Nigeria (Nigerian architect's residence, markets, local govt buildings, compounds, homes, schools, Lagos, shrines, National Museum, includes Simon Ottenberg's photographs, secret society building), Tanzania (Zanzibar, mosques, carved doors, Zanzibar fort, People's Palace, includes photos by Juli McGruder), Zimbabwe (Great Zimbabwe, photos by Juli McGruder), Madagascar, Senegal. Includes photographs from journalist Lisa Schnellinger. [KF]
- University of the Western Cape. Robben Island Mayibuye Archives - Photographs
- No photos online. An archive and museum documenting South Africa's liberation struggle. "documents South African history from colonial occupation to the present with a specific focus on life under apartheid,..." Includes the photo archives of the former London based IDAF, International Defense and Aid Fund, Eli Weinberg Collection and the Leon Levson Collection.
- West African Online Digital Library - Historical Photographs
- Project of Michigan State University, IFAN, and WARC.
Includes -
Sampling from L'Institut Fondemental d'Afrique Noire, IFAN (historical photographs),
Phil Curtin Collection (photographs, audio interview on his work on economic change in precolonialSenegambia in the era of the slave trade, Bundu),
Photographs from “Passport to Paradise’: Sufi Arts of Senegal and Beyond (the "urban visual culture of the Mourides, a Senegalese Sufi movement centered upon the life and teachings of a local saint named Sheikh Amadou Bamba"),
Mosques of Bondoukou (1980s photographs). [KF]
- White Fathers / Pères Blancs / Société des Missionnaires d'Afrique - Photographs
- In French and English. "The Society of the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) was born in Algeria, founded in 1868 by Mgr Charles Lavigerie, archbishop of Algiers." Includes historical photographs from the Centenaire de l'Evangélisation au Rwanda, etc. [KF]
See also Register to the Photograph Collection of the White Fathers (Society of Missionaries of Africa)
By Robert Leopold, Daisy Njoku and Marion Rawson (National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, October 2000). This is the finding aid; it does not include actual photographs.
- Wise's World Paper Money Collection
- A great collection of scanned images of African and other paper money. Dates vary for each country, some from 1919 to the 1990s. See French West African currency from the 1930s and 40s or Biafra's currency. Many have portraits of African leaders. Ronald Wise, Jr. works at Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis.
- World Digital Library
- In seven languages. Primary sources world wide. Antiquarian African maps, Arabic manuscripts from Timbuktu, early 20th century photographs, text of the speech by Nigerian independence leader Nnamdi Azikiwe (1904-96) on the day he became governor-general of Nigeria, South African San rock paintings, early travel journals. Supported by the U.S. Library of Congress, UNESCO, and National Libraries world wide.
- Yale Divinity School. AdHoc - Image and Text Database on the History of Christianity
- A Yale Divinity School faculty-library initiative, web-searchable database that contains electronic images and texts related to the history of Christianity. Contents include: Map showing locations of mission stations. (maps can be enlarged). Photographs/postcards of missionaries. Map of Anglican Church dioceses in Africa ca. 1897. Maps of Church Missionary Society missions in Africa. Map of the Partition of Africa as settled by international agreements, ca. 1891. Slave Trade Map of Equatorial Africa, ca. 1887.Based in New Haven, Connecticut. [KF]
- Yale University Library - Casimir Zagourski Postcard Collection
- 200 postcards (many online) from the photogaraphs of Zagourski, of Polish parentage, who moved to Leopoldville, Congo in 1924. From 1924 and 1941, he traveled around Belgian Congo, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Chad, Kenya, Central African Republic, Cameroon, and Congo-Brazzaville as a photographer.
- Yale University - David Apter Collection
- "125 photographs taken by David E. Apter from 1951 to 1960 in the African countries of Ghana (formerly known as the Gold Coast), Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, and Benin (formerly known as Dahomey), during the buildup of nationalism and the start of independence. The photographs portray scenes of everyday life in these countries." Apter was Professor in the Departments of Political Science and Sociology. See alsoGuide to his papers and obituary.
- Zaccaria, Massimo - "Photography and African Studies: a Bibliography"
- Write to the address given for a copy. Published by University of Pavia, Department of Political and Social Studies, Pavia, Italy. 175 pages. A description of a print bibliography which covers books, articles, parts of edited volumes, catalogs of exhibitions and theses.... "Particular attention has been payed...topostcards. The first part lists citations on specific African countries. The second part covers public and private collections in libraries, museums and archives in Africa, the Near East, Europe and the United States. Includes online reviews of the bibliography. The volume is offered free of charge to libraries, if they send a written request.
- Zanzinet Forum
- "a forum which brings together Zanzibaris of all backgrounds." Has a brief history of the Swahili language, by Hassan O. Ali; revised by Abdurahman Juma; 1988 population census information, historical photographs, photographs of violent events from the October 29, 2000 general elections links to related sites. Maintained by Idris A. Rai. Based in Ottawa, Canada. [KF]